Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays PC Consulting

Merry Christmas from M-TEC

Happy Holidays from Educator's Corner

Happy Holidays

Your friends at Educator’s Corner wish you peace and joy this holiday season. We hope 2013 will be a happy and healthy one for you and your family.

Learn and Grow

Learn, Grow, Escape...Read a book

Approximately only 1 in 6 people read 12 or more books a year. Fewer than half of today's adults are literary readers, meaning they read novels, mysteries, contemporary and classic fiction, short stories, plays, or poetry. Leisure reading has declined about 7% over the last 10 years for genders and all ethnicities, education levels, and ages.
Take action today…
1. Read a book you’ve never read before. If you don’t have one on your shelf, go to the library or your local bookstore, or order one online.
2. Join a book club or start one with your friends or co-workers.
3. Give a book to people as gifts.
Reading is like exercising—mental and physical benefits flourish with regular practice. Reading improves language skills, vocabulary, and spelling skills, it introduces new ideas, perspectives and information; it staves off the effects of aging by keeping your mind active; it provides a vehicle for mental escape and creativity; and it relaxes, entertains, and inspires your soul. Take time to read today!

Friday, December 14, 2012


My heart, condolences, and prayers go out to the families in Connecticut-Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Magazine Swap

Magazine Swap

At your school or local library, you can place in the entrance a shelf full of magazines people drop off when they are finished with them. These magazines will be free for others to take!