Sunday, April 12, 2015

Daily Message

Setting up a daily message is easy. All you need is space for students to sit, a whiteboard or flip char paper, sentence  starters, and a daily message or letter.

Each day, write a message to your students with mistakes that they can fix. It is recommended that you use a writing structure that is the same every day so that students can focus on the routine. You may want to start by writing a message that has the structure of a friendly letter. The writing structure and type can change once students have learned the routines. The message should be relevant to what the students are learning in class.

To get started with a daily message, consider using the template below. To make it fun the message can be written inside a thematic drawing.

  Dear                     ,
          Today is               . It is the               day of school. We will               . What                                       ?


 When you begin the routines, read the message to your students. At first, you will want to lead the discussion and fix mistakes with student input. Students should raise their hands and wait to be called on. When students speak, ask them to identify a mistake in the message. At first, students should use guided responses or sentence starters to explain and support their thinking.
                        needs a capital letter because it is the beginning of a sentence.
                        needs a capital letter because it is a proper noun.
A                     needs to go after the word                   because…
                        should be spelled                                                 .
I think                        could be changed to                    because it makes the writing stronger.
There needs to be a comma between                       and                             because…
                                                                                                                      Taken from  Discover Reading and Writing, 2015
Louisiana Territory
Math Investigation

April 12, 1803
James Monroe arrives in Paris intent on buying the city of New Orleans. He ends up making a deal to buy the whole Louisiana Territory, paying 15 million dollars for half a billion acres.
Have your students investigate:
  • How much did the United States pay per acres for this land?
  • Consult an atlas and determine the acreage of the state you live.
  • What about your town: How many acres does it have?